Posts in Online Business
Six Reasons Why Confidence Matters (for life + biz!)

Alright, friends. I want to talk to you about something I think about a lot. I also work hard to practice this every day, all day long. But first, let me backup a little bit.

I believe the things that we talk about (or preach about) the most, are the things we actually need to hear. As someone who has a very small online platform, I am always thinking about what topic I want to share about. Or what message needs to be said.

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Summer Reading List

If you’ve been around here for a little while, you’re aware that in the last year or so, I’ve worked really hard to read more and watch less. Overall, I have loved it. For the first year of doing this, I didn’t read business books. For me, reading was a time for me to relax and escape and I didn’t want to keep filling my head with business stuff. I need to shut off. Escape. And it’s been so good for me.

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Why Being Unique is Good For Business

As we grow up, all we want is to belong. We want to conform, be liked, and mesh with the crowd. For some reason, we believe that if we look and act like everyone else, we will be important and loved. I fell victim to this mindset for too long. But, as I’ve matured a bit and grown older, I’ve learned that being different and unique is a much more exciting adventure.

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How to Start a Blog for an E-Commerce Website | Guest Blog Post

With over 95% of all consumers shopping online these days, search engine optimization
(SEO) is more important than ever before. Whether you are a shop owner who’s been selling products online for several years, or you’re just starting to dive into the e-commerce side of your business, you’ll need to make sure your SEO is up to par in order to compete with other shops in the digital

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Email Marketing Strategy for the Creative Entrepreneur

Did you know that “email [marketing] is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook and Twitter?” In addition, “email marketing drives more conversions than any other marketing channel”* The effectiveness and importance of email marketing cannot be disputed and all the experts joined the train a long time ago! If you’re reading this, I doubt I need to convince you that you need an email list. You’re probably here because you don’t know how OR you don’t know what to do now that you have an email list!

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Revisiting My 2018 Goals

Setting goals for the year wasn’t always something that interested me and I never liked the idea of setting goals, because if I don’t achieve them, I get very discouraged. So, not setting goals was easier. But, then I started a business and I realized I had big dreams I wanted to chase. And there was no way I would be able to chase those dreams without setting clear, intentional goals.

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Finding Rest in the Busy Season

I don’t function at optimum efficiency when I am overwhelmed, stressed, and over tired. It’s just how I function. And I could probably bet that you’re the same way. Humans are invincible, even though we seem to think we are. We need time to rest, reset, and rejuvenate our bodies.

When we try to work from a place of fatigue or exhaustion, we don’t produce our best work and we might even snap at our loved ones (#guilty).

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Write a Mission Statement that Attracts Your Ideal Customer

What’s the first thing you click on whenever you first come across a website or blog? If you’re like me, it’s the “about page.” I want to learn about the person behind the screen. I want to know what they do, why they do it, and who they do it for. I want to know their story, where they’re from, what they were like in high school, and what they’re like in person. This whole digital age we live in is weird, but it’s also pretty cool because we get to “meet” people we would otherwise never come across.

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The Launch League: A 5-day FREE Online Challenge

Are you frazzled with #allthethings and overloaded with dreams and ideas, but lack the ability to launch them into the world?

Or are you excited to tell the world about a new service you offer, but unsure about how to grab their attention?

Are you ready to start a new business endeavor but too scared to fail?

If you answered “yes!” to any of the above questions, then you are in the right spot! Get comfortable sister, and allow me to introduce you to the totally FREE Launch for Success online challenge.

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The Six-Figure Hustle: A Misleading Sales Tactic

I am just going to give a little disclaimer that this post might seem off putting or might be in contrast to what is written about in our industry. But, it’s been something on my heart and mind and I thought…”What’s a better place to verbally process this than the blog? Nowhere.” Just kidding. But, in all seriousness, I feel like this needs to be talked about.

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5 Business Tools You Can’t Live Without

I think we can all agree that running a successful business cannot be done alone. We are human and we need help.

As someone who loves to produce and be productive, it’s hard for me to take my hands off of things in my business. I like to do it all and have my hands in everything. But, as my business has grown and my time for work has decreased (#motherhood), I’ve learned how to streamline things, but also how to work smarter.

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