Posts in Online Business
Motherhood and Entrepreneurship

If you really knew me, you would know that I love structure. I thrive on it. I don’t like when plans get changed. I like knowing what to expect. I like waking up every morning knowing how the day will pan out. This worked really well for me before I had a baby and worked at home by myself. I didn’t have a boss to tell me what to do. I didn’t have co-workers who depended on me. I wasn’t required by law to take a lunch break. And I could work whenever and wherever I wanted. Work from the couch? Yep. Work at night and take the day off? You betcha.

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Using the Five Love Languages to Love and Serve Your Clients

Have you heard of the Five Love Languages? If you haven’t, you need to do some light reading real quick (by clicking that link) and learn what they are. This information has the potential to transform all the relationships in your life. You will learn how to show love to your parents, children, spouse, and friends.

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5 Networking Secrets to Help Grow Your Business

If you’re like me, the word “networking” makes you think of spending a mid-week evening out at a restaurant, awkwardly mingling around a room with watered-down cocktail in your left hand. Just thinking about it makes you anxious. Yeah, I hate that stuff. In fact, I avoid it at all costs.

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Beating the Instagram Algorithm

Let’s face it: Instagram is totally different these days. It makes sense. But still, it’s a bummer. Instagram is a business and they want to make money--can’t blame them--but it cramps our style, right? Well, first off we just need to accept that it’s different and learn to “adapt and overcome” as my husband would say. And second, we also need to learn to put our time and energy into other marketing platforms. 

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