30 Lessons for 30 Years

Today I turn 30 years old! I’ve looked forward to this birthday for a long time. To me, Thirty is a new life season where one feels more at home in their skin and confident. Now, I wouldn’t say I feel like I am there yet. But I certainly feel that way much more than I did when I was 22. And for me, that is a huge victory. Today, I choose to celebrate the life I have lived. The lessons I have learned. The obstacles I have overcome. I joy I have fought for. The grief I have wrestled through. The shame I have shook off. The freedom I have found. The lives I have brought into this world. The life I lost and will forever miss. And the story being lived through my skin and bones. I choose to celebrate all the joy and all the grief because I am living and breathing and THAT is a gift.

30 lessons for 30 years

  1. For everything, there is a season. Whatever you’re going through now, it won’t last forever. 

  2. It’s okay to have bad days.

  3. One of the greatest things about people is that people change. 

  4. When you feel like no one loves you, that’s not the worst thing that could happen to you. Maybe it’s an invitation to find where true worth comes from. 

  5. Having kids is better and harder than I thought it would be. 

  6. Turns out, you can be in the best shape of your life when you’re 30 versus 15. 

  7. You never feel as old as you are. 

  8. Seeking out help when life feels like too much is really, really hard. But so worth it. 

  9. Finding friends who truly love you as you is the biggest gift. 

  10. Drinking decaf coffee helps ease anxiety. 

  11. When you feel like you lost yourself, remember that that is impossible. Who else could you be? You’ve never lost yourself. Maybe you’ve just changed. And perhaps that’s not such a bad thing after all. 

  12. Letting yourself experience deep joy is a practice and doesn’t always come easy. 

  13. Going to therapy is brave, not weakness. 

  14. Life is expensive. Like really expensive. But it’s gonna be okay, too. 

  15. That thing you struggled with when you were younger that you never thought you’d overcome? Yeah, you can do it. It might take a decade but it can happen and the freedom feels really good. One step at a time. 

  16. Take the vacation. Turn off the phone. Wear the swimsuit. Be alive. Be free.

  17. Whatever comes your way every day, God is sovereign and He really does provide what you need every single day. 

  18. When you choose to be brave, it doesn’t always result in a big huge change. Sometimes, it’s a lifestyle choice that has benefits and results overtime; slowly. And that’s okay. 

  19. When you disagree with someone, you can still be friends and be kind. 

  20. When grief comes, don’t rush it. Take it at your own pace. But when joy comes, don’t stuff it. Allow yourself the reprieve.

  21. Getting better at something takes time and practice. And most of the time, you can’t rush it. This produces patience and endurance. 

  22. Learning to let go and not control everything will actually bring you more peace.

  23. Self-care doesn’t have to be huge, grand vacations or big expenses. It can be small things added to your daily routine. 

  24. God has always taken care of me, so when it feels like things are falling apart, I can trust that He will always take care of me. 

  25. Living life controlled by a strict diet is exhausting and it will take everything out of you.  

  26. Fresh air, a good snack, and a big glass of water can solve a lot of problems. 

  27. Baths are disgusting and a long hot shower is the most indulgent form of self-care. 

  28. Trying new things can be really fun and exciting and maybe you’ll discover that you like different things than you thought you did. 

  29. Traveling is always worth it.

  30. Embracing who God made you to be is one of the most powerful and transformative things you can do. (still working on this)


There’s so much more I could share, but those are the lessons and life experiences I have walked through. I am sure I will gain even more wisdom and knowledge and freedom in the next 30 years!

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