Revisiting My 2018 Goals

Setting goals for the year wasn’t always something that interested me and I never liked the idea of setting goals, because if I don’t achieve them, I get very discouraged. So, not setting goals was easier. But, then I started a business and I realized I had big dreams I wanted to chase. And there was no way I would be able to chase those dreams without setting clear, intentional goals.

I outlined my 2018 goals in this post, so if you have to read the in depth descriptions of my goals, feel free to read that. Here’s a simple recap of what I wanted to do this year:

  • Launch Two Mini Courses

  • Read 12 Novels

  • Find a Mom-Work Routine

  • Grow my Email List

  • Do daily Devotionals

  • Take Intentional Vacations

  • Detoxify My Skin Care

  • Start a Podcast

Interested in what tools I use to set goals and get after them? Powersheets for goal setting and my Week at a Glance for weekly goal setting.

You can download the Week at a Glance here:

Let's take a look at where I'm at with my goals:

Launch Two Mini Courses: I changed this up and decided to launch a mastermind group for product shop owners (which was 90% booked after personal invites). In addition, I launched The Launch League Strategy and Workflow-- a resource that teaches product and service based businesses how to launch effectively, strategically, and with profit. Stay tuned for potential courses...

Read 12 Novels: I am on book number 7 for the year! Work and life have been a little overwhelming the last couple of weeks, so I’ve slowed down on my current book. But hope to get through it soon! I have read All the Missing Girls, Lie to Me, Dark Places, Three Wishes, China Rich Girlfriend, and What Alice Forgot. All fabulous reads!

Find a Mom-Work Routine: I am happy to report that this is getting better and easier! I used to have him do his morning nap on our walk, but learned that he napped longer (thus creating an easier afternoon) if he napped at home. So we’ve adjusted our schedule and I’ve been able to double my weekly work hours and greatly decrease my stress level.

Grow my Email List: happy to report this is still a goal and it’s still going well. I am still learning a lot about email marketing, so this goal is harder and slower than some others, but I am still spending the time to learn and grow.

Do daily Devotionals: most days, I am able to wake up before Knox and I always start with a short devotional. It sets my day on the right path and helps me to keep perspective and start the day with gratitude and peace.

Take Intentional Vacations: we leave for our first vacation in a couple weeks, so I can’t report on this yet! But I am working hard to make sure everything is on autopilot so I can FULLY soak in our trip to ITALY! I am overjoyed and so excited to go. Prayers and hopes for easy travel with an 11 month old.

Detoxify My Skin Care: not only have I worked hard to completely get rid of toxic skin care products, but I’ve also been getting rid of toxic cleaning products and cooking utensils. It’s slow because, whoa, things without toxins are more expensive (which is such a bummer), but we are getting there! My favorite skin care products are Acure Organics. I love the facial scrub, day cream, and toner (but I have about 9 items!).

Start a Podcast: this goal is a little behind, but don’t worry!! Things are still in progress. Wildly eager to tell you more!

Taking time to revisit these goals has been so helpful to see how far I’ve come, but to also help me focus in on what I want the rest of the year to look like. Setting goals for my life and business have helped me be more intentional and thoughtful with where I spend my time, money, and resources. Are you a goal setter?

Tell me how your goals are going in the comments!