How I Tripled My Income and Doubled My Email List

How I Tripled My Income and Doubled My Email List.jpg

Are you looking for new ways to boost your income and grow your email list? Well, my friend, you’re in the right place.

In the last 12 months, I have been testing and using a method that has helped me triple my income and double my email list. Want to know the secret?

Hosting an Online challenge.

Yep, pretty simple, right?

Hosting a free online challenge was one of my big goals for 2017. I ended up hosting three and just finished my fourth. Not only are they fun, life-giving ways to connect with my audience and nurture them, I also was able to grow my business because of it.

Curious to know the tips, tricks, and strategies? Read on, sister.

Tips for Hosting a Successful Online Challenge:

Plan it all out: make sure you have several weeks before you launch sign ups to plan all the content. It will probably take longer than you think, but it’s worth it. Take time to create a free challenge that meets the needs of your audience and helps fix a problem for them.

Offer plenty of free content: during the challenge, make sure you are offering amazing free content and insight. Ideally, the end goal of the challenge is to offer something your audience can purchase. In order to create an audience who wants and needs what you want to sell, you need to make sure you are offering amazing content leading up to the moment when you ask for the sale.

Make a Facebook group: in order to create a tribe and raving fans, you want to create a tight knit community. That all starts with a Facebook group. Encourage people to join! And you can host deeper conversations about the content you offer during the challenge in the Facebook group.


Encourage interaction: whatever type of challenge you will be hosting, you want to make sure you encourage interaction with your audience. One of your goals through hosting this challenge should be to build a tribe and an audience that loves and trusts you. One way to receive interaction with your audience is through encouraging a reply back from emails and by encouraging your audience to talk and engage in the Facebook group.

Offer a paid service/offer at the end: the hope would be that during your challenge you are building trust with your audience and guiding them through some type of educational content. You are taking time to nurture, serve, and love your audience for several days. Now, it’s time to offer them something that fixes a problem. For example, my most recent online challenge was all about learning how to launch a product or service. At the end of my challenge, I offered a paid resource that guides someone through a complete launch strategy and workflow. In the free challenge, I offered tips for how to prepare for a launch and then the paid offer was a complete plan and guide for executing. The paid offer lined up perfectly with the free content that I offered all week long.

Launch it well: <--- THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP. In order to have a smashing success with your online challenge, you want to make sure you launch the signups and the paid offer WELL. Implementing the launch strategy can be challenging if you don’t know what you’re doing, so having a plan is exactly what you need. If you need a complete guide to walk you through the action steps and strategy of launching, master it here.

I look forward to seeing what online challenges you will be hosting! Make sure you let me know what topic you decide to focus on. I'm cheering for you!