5 Ways You’re Losing Clients

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Oh, the conundrum that feels never ending: finding clients. Or customers. As business owners, we often don’t see the barriers between us and our potential clients. We are so immersed in our own businesses that we don’t always realize that not everyone else understands our business as much as we do. I know, shocker!

Today, I’d like to address some potential areas where you might be losing clients (or not grasping their attention!). The good news is that there are easy fixes to these issues, so hopefully by the end of this blog post, you’ll be able to address potential ways you could be losing clients, and how to fix it!

Five Ways You’re Losing Clients:

1. No welcome sequence

If you have an email list and you have opt-in pages for ideal clients to get on your list, but no welcome sequence, you are missing out on connecting with your audience and turning them into paying clients! If you don’t have an email list, read this post about kick starting your email list. Then, take time to work on your welcome sequence. Your welcome sequence should include information about who you are, what you do, what sets you apart, what you offer, and opportunities for your subscribers to purchase something. Ideally, the goal here is to engage your audience while warming them up to be paying customers!

THE FIX: start an email list (I suggest ConvertKit <-- you will get 30 days free!)  and set up a welcome sequence that gives more information about you, links to blog posts, and eventually asks for a sale.

2. Your About Page

What’s one of the first pages you click on when you come across a webpage? If you’re like me, it’s the about page. People are curious to know about the person behind the website and who she is. On this page, you should be doing the same thing you do with your welcome sequence. Invite your ideal clients (viewers) to be a part of your story. Tell them who you are, what you do, why it’s important, and what sets you apart. In addition, don’t forget to have a call to action about next steps. Lead them on a journey through your website!

THE FIX: revamp and edit your about page to tell more about you and give a call to action.

3. You aren’t connecting on social

Social media is a place for you to connect with your audience on a more personal level. This is where you get to talk about the behind the scenes of running your business, offer encouragement, exclusive sale codes, etc. This is where you build a tribe and nurture them. If social media isn’t a priority to you, you could be missing plenty of clients!

THE FIX: use social media strategically. Build a tribe. Be yourself. Give back.

Related: How To Use Instagram Stories To Grow Your Business

4. You aren’t telling them what you do

Humans need guidance and help filling in the blanks. Someone won’t come across you and immediately decide to hire you or purchase from you. It’s your job to write a story for them. You need to tell them what problem they have, how you can fix it, and why that’s important. If you want to learn about how to do this with your writing, I can’t recommend this book enough! It’s been a game changer for me.

THE FIX: Study copywriting and learn how to take you audience on a journey with you through your writing. Words sell.

5. Your prices are too low

Would you believe it that you could be losing clients by having too low of prices? This is because people adhere to the notion of “you get what you pay for”, so if you have incredibly low prices, you are triggering the thought that your product might not be high quality. At the same time, you don’t want to overprice. But, if you are lowering your prices in a desperate attempt to get more sales, you are only hurting yourself!

THE FIX: take a good look at your numbers and see how big your profit margin is. At the same time, consider raising your prices.

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