Posts in Personal
Friday Favorites May 3rd: podcast, skincare, and swimsuits!

Happy Friday and welcome to the newest series on the blog today! I have been wanting to get back into blogging and I thought it would be fun to start sharing a roundup of my favorite things! I get asked a lot about certain products I use and love over on my Instagram stories, so this is also a new and fun easy to share more with y’all. This week, I’m sharing a current favorite podcast, a skincare line that *just* launched, my favorite item of clothing, what’s in my bag for the beach, and a recipe that is delicious and indulgent.

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Cultivating Joy During Grief and Sorrow

Today I want to talk about when joy and sorrow meet aka simple things I am doing to cultivate joy in my life daily.

If you read this blog post or this Instagram post, you’re well aware that my season of life is much different than I expected or wanted it to be. And while I wish I could just hurry up the grief, I can’t. At the same time, I have a hard time with the emotions I am experiencing and want genuine joy back in my life.

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The New Rachel Allene Headquarters

I am so excited to finally reveal the brand new office space for my business!

In the last several months, my business grew significantly and I immediately needed more space. If you watch my Instagram stories, you probably have seen me packaging orders at all hours of the day in all different rooms in my house. The work was literally spilling into all rooms of my house. We knew we needed a solution but didn’t know what the best option was. Converting the garage was always an idea, but it seemed like so much work.

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Mompreneur Tips By Age (0-12 months)

Let me say this first: I am no expert Mompreneur and in fact, I still have a lot to learn and a lot of growing to do. But, I’ve been doing it for a little over a year and I’ve definitely learned a few things. The first year is hard. I know. Or maybe you have a perfect baby and it’s easy. If that’s the case, there’s no reason for you to read this blog post. You are golden. For the rest of us, read on.

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Day In The Life

As a Mama and business owner, I get asked a lot about our schedule and how we structure our day to get all the things accomplished. You must know that we don’t get everything done every single day and it’s not always perfect. We have hard days and we have days where everything goes according to plan (<-- those days are few and far between). The schedule I lay out here is a loose schedule and can adjust here and there from day to day. What I list out here is what we do about 80% of the time. This is what works for us, our family, and my work commitments. If your schedule differs, don’t feel discouraged. You should always do what is best for you!

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26 Years (a birthday recap)

I just turned 27 yesterday. Wow, that sounds so old to me. I still feel like a 20 year-old. Still so much to figure out, still so much maturing to do. But here I am, in my late 20’s. I have two older sisters, so watching them grow up, the ages they were always sounded so old. But, then I would hit that “old” age number and would realize that it wasn’t so old after all. So, 27 always seemed so grown up and established and I should definitely have my problems sorted out by that age, but not so, friend.

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Six Reasons Why Confidence Matters (for life + biz!)

Alright, friends. I want to talk to you about something I think about a lot. I also work hard to practice this every day, all day long. But first, let me backup a little bit.

I believe the things that we talk about (or preach about) the most, are the things we actually need to hear. As someone who has a very small online platform, I am always thinking about what topic I want to share about. Or what message needs to be said.

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Summer Reading List

If you’ve been around here for a little while, you’re aware that in the last year or so, I’ve worked really hard to read more and watch less. Overall, I have loved it. For the first year of doing this, I didn’t read business books. For me, reading was a time for me to relax and escape and I didn’t want to keep filling my head with business stuff. I need to shut off. Escape. And it’s been so good for me.

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What It’s Like Being Married to a Creative Entrepreneur?

I talk about my husband a lot, but rarely do I share about him or have him make an appearance in my content. He is a huge part of my life and a major piece of the foundation for Rachel Allene. He has supported my from day one and continues to encourage me, even when I don't feel worthy of continuing on. He is kind and compassionate. He is also very smart and helps me make smart financial decisions and keeps me in check.

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How To Overcome Unexpected Life Circumstances in Business

Three years ago I was just starting my business up. I had recently quit my job and the reason for doing this was because I wanted to start a business. I could tell by the look in my employers eyes that it was a risky (yet, bold!) move. I’m sure they thought I was naive. Well, I was. But, I also had a great deal of determination and wanted to see big things happen!

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Four Ways to Prepare For a Productive Week On Sunday

I am a big fan of efficiency. I think through every decision when it comes to finding the most efficient route or way of doing something. Sometimes when we are driving somewhere and my husband takes a different route than expected, I get frustrated. I have already thought through the different scenarios and have found the most efficient way of driving, so it doesn’t make sense to go a different way! The good thing about marriage is that it makes you a better person and helps you let go of your controlling ways, amiright?!

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2018 Goals

I love setting goals. I am a task-oriented person, so my sense of accomplishment often comes from checking things off a to-do list and being productive. This is great for being motivated, but it’s not so great when you have a newborn and all you wanna do is get things done when what you really should be doing is snuggling that babe. I’ve learned a lot in the last couple of months about letting go of being productive for the sake of feeling accomplished. Sometimes the most productive thing I can do is love on my sweet little one. Hold up, that was a major bunny trail.

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How To Take Time Away From Your Business During The Holidays

The other day I was taking a shower and had the thought that I should take the month of January off. In all honesty, I didn’t really take a maternity leave and I’m starting to feel the effects of that. My husband split his paternity leave in half and will be taking three weeks off in January, and I thought “maybe I should too.” But then I convinced myself that taking time off would surely lead to my business starting off too slow at the beginning of the year.

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Ditching the Hustle and Embracing Grace

I’ve been running my own business since February 1st, 2015. Well—that’s the day I got my business license and tried to start figuring out what it meant to start and run a business. And boy, I was naive. Fortunately, I have been able to push through the hardships and allow myself grace through the process. But, it certainly hasn’t been easy. In fact, at first it was paralyzing. 

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