Posts in Marketing
Five Steps to Kickstart your Email Marketing

“You need a mailing list”

If you’re a business owner, I’m sure you’ve heard or read this within the past year. I am guessing you’ve noticed that social media has changed and you aren’t able to depend on Instagram for all your marketing purposes. You’ve probably read blog posts about Mailchimp vs. Convertkit. And I’m also guessing that at some point in the process of learning about email marketing, you’ve also felt stressed and anxious about it.

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Please Don’t Repost My Picture

I know that this could ruffle some feathers, but I feel this is something that needs to be talked about in the creative community. As an artist and product shop owner, I work VERY hard to create the images in my Instagram feed. I plan product shooting days. I buy props for my photoshoots. I pay my friends to model for me. I buy coffee to brew for the glass coffee mugs. I buy donuts (and try really hard to not eat them). I write out a plan for every single picture I create. I have a checklist. I edit the photos. I export them and upload them to my phone.

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Beating the Instagram Algorithm

Let’s face it: Instagram is totally different these days. It makes sense. But still, it’s a bummer. Instagram is a business and they want to make money--can’t blame them--but it cramps our style, right? Well, first off we just need to accept that it’s different and learn to “adapt and overcome” as my husband would say. And second, we also need to learn to put our time and energy into other marketing platforms. 

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Five Tips for Styling Instagram Photos

We all love to scroll through our Instagram feeds and double tap the images of cute puppies, colorful macaroons, gorgeous floral arrangements, latte art, and candid photos of our friends. We enjoy sneak peeks into the lives of others, whether it be our best friend or favorite celebrity. As a creative entrepreneur, Instagram is a large part of my business and allows me to connect with an audience from all over the world. I hope that my Instagram feed provides encouragement, honesty, and beauty into the lives of my followers and friends. I thought it would be a fun and useful resource to offer Five Tips for Styling Instagram Photos. Let’s dive right in!

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Five Steps to Starting a Product Shop

If you’ve started an online product shop or you want to, you have probably realized that there isn’t a lot of education or material out there to help you. And guess what? There are a lot of things you need to get your shop started. It takes a lot of work and if you want to do it right (which I’m sure you do, ‘cause you’re reading this!), then you might need a little direction.

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How I Manage #allthethings

Here's the thing: I don't.


This blog my post is my confession of what life truly looks like behind the scenes.

I want to do this because I know that I have watched people online and believed the lie that they are living a highly organized, perfectly planned, routined, and problem-free lifestyle. I also believe that their business is stronger, better, and more successful than mine.

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What I Learned From Running An Online Instagram Challenge

If you’ve been around here for a bit, I hope that you learned about #theheartfeltgrid challenge that I hosted back in February! It was a super fun, exciting, mind-blowing challenge that I hosted on Instagram. The challenge was for business owners who wanted to learn about growing an Instagram feed with authenticity, real talk, and honest confessions. If you didn’t participate, you can still get access to all the content! You can sign up here and go through the challenge at your pace.

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Creative Hub Conference | Join me!

I wish I had taken advantage of educational opportunities earlier in my business. There is so much value and worth in learning from others who have gone before you. I went to my first conference in 2016 and since then, my business has never looked the same. I've been able to crush goals, take risks, and make connections that never would have happened without the influence and experience that comes from a conference. 

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Business Resources You Need in Your Business

Running a business is a lot of work. 

There are countless hats we wear as entrepreneurs. Every day, I am a CEO, operations manager, accountant, marketing manager, shipping and fulfillment coordinator, customer service representative, sales account manager, social media manager, personal chef, chief decision maker (CDM), copywriter, graphic designer, joy and grace cultivator, and so much more. 

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Finding a Style In Home Ownership | and why Framebridge rules

We bought a house in this past September,

and it was one of the most unexpected, exciting, and stressful experiences in my life. We aren't the best planners, so when we get an idea in our heads, we pretty much just dive in head first. I don't love to be patient, so once we decided we might want to start house hunting, I was already packing the boxes. 

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