Online Product Shop Checklist

When I first opened my product shop I had no idea what I was doing. I had no idea how to get started with shipping, where to buy shipping materials, how to set up my shop, how to write the listings, etc. etc. I felt lost in a sea of kick booty Etsy shop owners destined to drown. That’s why I didn’t touch my Etsy shop for about a year after I created it.

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Facing Fears in My Business

Facing fears is something I don’t love doing. Which is a bit ironic, because I encourage and challenge women to face their fears daily. At the same time, I believe that sometimes we need to focus on our own weaknesses in order for them to become strengths. What I mean by this, is that in order to face my own fears and to not let fears control me, I need to make myself vulnerable in front of others. The things that create the most fear inside of me, are the things that I try to focus on the most.

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You know the drill. The commenting, and “follow for follow” battle, the endless liking of photos; just hoping to get a couple more followers. The struggle. 

We all want to grow our audience on Instagram. But, are you able to do this in a heartfelt way?

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Rachel AlleneComment
Women With Purpose | Monique Melton

I am so excited to continue with the new blog series for the Rachel Allene blog! This past year, I have learned so much about growing a business, building a brand, increasing online sales, growing a mailing list, etc. through the influence and expertise of other highly creative and talented women. They have encouraged me, inspired me, and taught me to be fearless in my pursuits.

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Rachel AlleneComment
Private Coaching Call | Why They're Important

Since being in business, I have learned the incredible importance and value of investing in a coaching call from experienced entrepreneurs! I am verbal processor, so it is always helpful for me to process ideas with someone else in order to achieve my goals and make things happen. In addition, I believe it is helpful for business owners (from all levels of expertise) to have a "cheerleader" or someone who is able to encourage them in the scary and exciting moments of business.

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Rachel Allene
Valentine's Day is Quickly Approaching! Get your FREE download.

It's almost Valentine's Day! Can I be honest for a minute? Valentine’s Day is not my most favorite holiday. I just have never gotten that into it or expected much from my husband. But! One there is one reason I like celebrating Valentine’s Day. Words of affirmation is one of the ways I show love to others, so I love that Valentine’s day is a time we can trade cards with our friends! I love encouraging others and handwritten notes might just be my favorite medium for this.

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Rachel AlleneComment
Women With Purpose | Interview with Lauren Carnes

I am so excited to announce a continue with the new blog series for the Rachel Allene blog! This past year, I have learned so much about growing a business, building a brand, increasing online sales, growing a mailing list, etc. through the influence and expertise of other highly creative and talented women. They have encouraged me, inspired me, and taught me to be fearless in my pursuits. They run their businesses with intention, purpose, and with a heart to give back. I am excited to start sharing some interviews with these women. They will offer insight, real talk, and actionable steps for growing a successful and profitable business (while making a difference!)

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What's Coming Soon for Rachel Allene? | Get YOUR Voice Heard!

When I think about the next several months and years of my business, I think about how I want to serve YOU. It’s not about me and my personal gains! For me, it’s about impacting the lives of others. I want to offer products and services for the creative, joyful, and inspired dreamer in order to promote grace, honesty, and vulnerability. And I want you to be a part of it. Sound good? I think so too

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Surviving The Holiday Hustle and The First Trimester

I still wonder how I survived the holiday hustle and the first trimester of my pregnancy. I'd like to say I survived, but I am not sure I thrived during that time. Which, the pre-pregnancy part of my mind wants to beat myself up for that truth, but I am realizing the need and reality of grace even more these days. I must admit, I never realized how hard pregnancy could be. I knew it had the potential of making me sick, but I was not prepared for the exhaustion and my lessened capabilities.

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Your Guide to Passive Income | Three Essentials

Passive income is one the best income streams there is for the creative entrepreneur. Earning multiple times from a one time creation while making a difference is euphoric. When I started my business, my income goals were to earn 80% passive income through various digital and physical products. Once I learned how to earn on autopilot from one-time creations, I began to teach other creatives and online business owners how to earn online as well.

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The Magic of Instagram Stories

 Are you an Instagram Stories fan? I am. So, let's talk about their magic.

If you really knew me, you would know that I am someone who loves efficiency. I love to strategize and figure out the fastest route to a dinner party or best route for our errands. I love choosing methods or systems that accomplish multiple items on my to-do list at once. I love using apps or programs that can combine multiple aspects of my business in order to achieve diverse goals. Let me explain. 

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2017 Goals and Grace | How I will define this year

Happy New Year, my people! I am hoping you saw my big announcement on Instagram a few days ago! If you didn't, you can click on over there or just read below! This past year was full of so much growth, joy, and unexpected surprises, in addition to its hardships and heartaches. In 2016, I saw big growth with my business, I attended a conference, I grew in my personal strength, I traveled more than I expected to, I spent a lot of time with my family, and I found out that I am pregnant! It's been a wild ride.

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