7 Ways to Boost Your Website Traffic


Do you spend time look at Google Analytics and feeling your heartbeat increasing? Do you ignore the stats altogether because you’re afraid of the truth (guilty!)? Do you refresh your analytics convinced there must be something wrong with the system because your traffic can’t be THAT LOW?

Or maybe you’re a website traffic guru. If that’s you, then this probably isn’t the post for you. We still love you, but your time is better used somewhere you can learn something! :)

But, if you’re one of the former: looking for more traffic and wondering why yours is so low, then read on, babe!

Increasing your website traffic is something that most people don’t have time for or don’t spend a lot of time thinking about. I am definitely guilty of not placing importance on these types of things. But, as a online product shop, it’s VERY important for me to care abotu traffic and track what my visitors are doing. Increasing website traffic is something that will boost your sales, increase your client inquiries (and hopefully bookings!), and grow your email list (as long as you have an opt-in) Need help with getting your email list started? Look no further.

Related: Roundup of Most Popular FREE Business Resources

There’s no magical formula for increasing your traffic, but there are strategies you can put in place (or just try out for a time!) to help boost your traffic and help people see your beautiful work and incredible services!

  1. Post in Facebook Groups: there are hundreds of Facebook groups out there and there are thousands of your ideal clients in them. You should be active in Facebook groups. This doesn’t mean you promote your services or post links to your site! That would most likely be a violation of the rules. However, plenty of Facebook groups of weekly threads where you ARE allowed to post links to your site and/or services. In addition, people often post in the groups when they need a service. For example, if you’re a Virtual Assistant, you can offer your services when an entrepreneur posts about needing help. This is how I found my assistant! My favorite Facebook groups are Fueled with Heart, Savvy Business Owners, and Think Creative Collective. You can also join my The Heartfelt Biz group!

  2. Guest Blog Post: there are a lot of bloggers out there who run collaborative blogs. And they typically have really great traffic and an engaged audience. There could be an application process for guest blogging, but if there isn’t, just reach out via email. Share something you are able to talk about with experience, talk a little about yourself and why you’re qualified to share, and explain why their blog is important/valuable. I’ve guest blogged on both The Rising Tide Society blog and the Think Creative Collective blog.

  3. Use Pinterest: Pinterest is a very valuable tool for business owners, but I believe it often gets forgotten. Pins live forever. This means that the blog post you wrote two years ago about your service, and then posted on Pinterest, can still be relevant. And you could be getting new clients and customers from something you wrote two years ago. When using Pinterest, there are definitely some strategies to use. I am not expert, but two things I suggest are when writing your captions/titles, treat it like a search engine. So, think about what people would be typing in the search browser. And title your pins accordingly. In addition, using a tool like BoardBooster will help you start active and consistent. My friend Megan Martin wrote a much better blog post about all of this here.

  4. Offer a freebie: there are three “types” of days where I have the most traffic on my blog or website. One of those “types” of days is when I blog about an educational business resource and offer a freebie. This is an example of what that looks like. If you’re a photographer, you could offer a free image, or a calligrapher could offer a print. There are countless ways to offer a freebie to your audience. BONUS: this grows your email list too!

  5. Have a sale: the second “type” of day where I have a boost in traffic is when I have a sale in my online shop. If you have an online product shop for physical products or a digital resource shop, a great way to boost some traffic is to host a sale. It doesn’t have to be huge, but it could be a way to get more eyes on your site.

  6. Be real: and the third “type” of day where my traffic spikes is when I write a personal, deep, meaningful, blog post. For example, this post was one of my most popular from 2017. People love to know the real life behind the screen. They love to get to know people. So, if you’re blog is always faceless content, I guarantee your reader doesn’t really know YOU. Your content might be killer, but so much about running a successful business is about connecting with your audience on a deep, human level. Consider writing about your family, or your marriage, or a recent failure. This will also build trust and relationship with your audience.

  7. Focus on SEO: you know that things that you should do, but don’t do them? Well, that’s me and SEO. I am not the best at this, BUT I know for a fact that it is important for boosting traffic and driving people to your website. Instead of trying to explain this to you, I’ll let me friends take it away. This post by Dannie Fountain is simple and strategic. And Davey and Krista Jones are the SEO gurus.

There you have it, folks! Are you ready to drive more traffic to your site? Try out a few of the strategies above and let me know how it goes!

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Rachel AlleneComment